How to Make a Coaster Button

So what button making product is the least known to most button makers? In a single word, Coasters!

Making your own custom coaster button is fun and very easy to do! All you need are 3 items:

1. 3.5″ Button Maker

2. 3.5″ Coaster Button Set

3. 3.5″ Coaster Insert

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ABM Video Series: How to Make Versa-Back Buttons

It is with tearful eyes and a plaintive heart that I come to you today.

You may be wondering, why? How could one be immersed in the wonderful world of buttons and yet filled with and overwhelming sense of sadness?

Well I will tell you: we have now reached the end of our ABM Video Series.

I know, I know. Here, have one of these.

I realize that we all wanted the joy and inspiration of the video series to go on forever; but alas, as they say, all good things must come to an end.

So let’s all compose ourselves and give our full, undivided attention to the latest and great, the last but not the least, the fun final finale…yes, ladies and gentleman, the versa-back button.

More specifically, how to make one.

By now you know the drill. The video is embedded below and we have taken the liberty of also including step-by-step directions for you to follow. All of our machines and suggested procedures are simple and easy to follow, but we leave nothing to chance or to the imagination.

So enjoy embarking on your final journey in the ABM Video Series. We shall miss her once she’s gone, but just remember that you can always visit her again with this link.

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ABM Video Series: How to Make a Pinback Button

In this, the fourth installment of our ABM Video Series, we are going to show you just how ridiculously easy it is to make a pinback button.

And when we say easy, we don’t just mean simple…we also mean quick.

Would you believe me if I told you the total time it takes to make a professional pinback button is less than 10 seconds?

It’s true. The video evidence that proves this claim awaits you at the end of this post.

But first, a quick outline of the steps:

  1. Get your button machine ready. (Note: these steps will work forĀ button sizes 1.25″ and larger.)
  2. Insert shell into one of the two rotating dies.
  3. Place circular graphic face up on top of shell.
  4. Place mylar on top of graphic.
  5. Rotate dies.
  6. Place pinned back pin-side down in other die.
  7. Click your heels three times and say “abracadabra” while rubbing your stomach and patting your head at the same time.
  8. Pull handle towards you once.
  9. Rotate dies.
  10. Pull handle towards you once more.
  11. Remove completed pinback button from die and admire your amazing craftsmanship!

Quick pop-quiz: one of the above 11 steps is actually not a necessary step for creating pinback buttons (but is, however, something fun and perhaps even challenging to try!).

If you’re having trouble with the pop-quiz question, just watch the video below. You’ll see that the entire process takes less than 10 seconds, and here’s a hint: there is no magic required.

Just you, a few supplies, and an ABM button maker!

Video: How to Make a Pinback Button

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Brighid Brown – Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM