ABM Video Series: How to Cut Circular Button Graphics Using an Economy Circle Cutter

Welcome back to the ABM Video Series!

Today’s video tutorial is a very simple one, and shows you how to cut out circular button graphics using American Button Machines’ econo circle cutter.

The econo circle cutter differs from our other circle cutters by obviously being less expensive. Still, it cuts perfect circles and is adjustable from 2 inches to 7 1/4 inches. And while it’s perfect for preparing graphics for button making, it will work well for any type of circular cut you need to make with paper.

Here are the quick and easy steps:

  • Create a sheet of paper with as many of your circular graphics on it as will fit.
  • Adjust the econo circle cutter to the appropriate size.
  • Line the econo circle cutter up on the graphic you are preparing to cut.
  • Place your hand on top of the cutter to hold it in place.
  • Rotate the handle at the base of the econo circle cutter to quickly, accurately, and easily cut out a perfectly circular graphic.
  • Make some buttons!

And, of course, don’t forget the most important step in the econo circle cutter usage process: get one!

Here is your short and sweet video tutorial:

Video: How to Cut Button Graphics Using an Economy Circle Cutter

[flv:https://www.american-button-machines.com/wp-content/uploads/videos/how-to-cut-button-graphics-using-economy-circle-cutter.flv 350 250]

Brighid Brown – Director of Blogging and All Things Cool at ABM

Helping Customers (even in Canada!) One Circle Cutter at a Time

Nothing makes us happier than knowing that one of our products saved someone money, helped them create a memorable item, or generally just made their life a little bit better.

As we get ready to ramp back up again after another wonderful holiday season, we want to share with you a recent email that we received from one of our customers who reached out to us after being pleasantly surprised by how much time and money he saved with our Econo Circle Cutter.

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